Statische Codeanalyse mit Jetbrains Qodana

Statische Codeanalyse mit Jetbrains Qodana

Nach langer Zeit besucht uns Matthias Koch mal wieder. Diesmal hat er uns viel Spannendes zu Qodana zu erzählen, einem Tool für die statische Codeanalyse.

Der eigentliche Abstrakt:

JetBrains IDEs have always been renowned for their powerful static code analysis supporting a wide range of languages. With the release of Qodana, we are unifying that knowledge in a central code quality platform that is working at the heart of every development process – your favorite CI/CD tool.

Triggered by a commit or pull request, Qodana can generate comprehensive analysis reports (SARIF) about all discovered code quality and security issues. Qodana makes those reports easily accessible, not only to a team of developers or QA engineers but also to security managers and legal/compliance departments.

In this talk, we will explore Qodana in the context of .NET projects and look at the integrations with different CI/CD providers. Your journey towards impeccable code quality begins here, and rest assured, you won't be disappointed.

Ort und Zeit

Wir treffen uns am 02. November 2023 um 18:00 Uhr bei ZEISS Digital Innovation.
Die Gästeliste wird auf Meetup verwaltet.